Thursday, September 3, 2009

Love it!

Ok, so I love the new Etsy rearrange the shop by clicking and dragging, Fabulous! I found some blouses in the back of the shop and put them right where I wanted them on the front page. A little boost of color in a topless spot, Ha!


  1. WHAT??!! I did not know you could do that! That is awesome :)

  2. yeah, there is a storque article on it right now!

  3. Sheena, hello! Thank you for the comment on my (sad) little blog! I sure wish I had the time to keep up on it, I'm gonna try! Thanks for keeping me posted about the goodies in your shop. You know I'll be checking back in!
    By the way, your shop is looking really great, I hope you're doing well! All best and have a fun weekend! - Jennifer
